
Binary packages are provided for Linux and MS Windows on x86-64.
On other platforms or architectures, you can build from sources.


The following are provided:

To build PDFs, a TeX distribution is needed. Please consult your distribution package repository for the appropriate package. The default Bard template typically requires an extended TeXLive package such as texlive-xetex on Ubuntu, texlive-latexextra on Arch or texlive-scheme-medium on Fedora.

Alternatively, you can install the Tectonic engine.

See the TeX Configuration chapter for how to configure TeX use.

MS Windows

The following are provided:

The portable binary linked above contains the Tectonic TeX system, so no additional software is needed. If you’d like to use a different TeX system, such as MiKTeX, the Tectonic-less binary is recommended.

See the TeX Configuration chapter for how to configure TeX use.

From Sources

You will first need the Rust toolchain to build from sources – it can be installed via Rustup or from your OS package repository, if available.

Once the Rust toolchain is installed, i.e., the rustc and cargo commands are available, use the following command to build and install from sources using cargo:

cargo install -f bard